24.01.2013. 15:11
Prosecutor of Department III issued an indictment against Jasmin Smailagić AKA "Šeki" - born on July 20, 1959 in Bihać where he resides, a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina - charging him with the criminal offense of Impermissible Use of Copyrights under Article 243, Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code of BiH.
24.01.2013. 15:08
Prosecutor of Department III within the Prosecutor's Office of BiH issued an indictment against Hasan HUŠIDIĆ, born on June 16, 1964 in Bihać where he resides, a citizen of BiH.
23.01.2013. 15:20
Two persons accused of organized crime concluded Agreements on admission of guilt. The following accused persons entered into plea agreements with the Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of BiH:
23.01.2013. 15:15
The accused Selma IMAMOVIĆ concluded an Agreement on admission of guilt for the committed criminal offense of Organized crime under Article 250, in conjunction with the criminal offense of Tax Evasion or Fraud under Article 210 of the CC BiH and the criminal offense of Tax Evasion under Article 273 of the CC F BiH, all in conjunction with Article 31 of the CC BiH.
23.01.2013. 09:51
Two persons accused of organized crime concluded Agreements on admission of guilt. The following accused persons entered into plea agreements with the Prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office of BiH:
18.01.2013. 15:03
The High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of BiH, at its session held on 12 December 2012, appointed Goran Salihović as the Chief Prosecutor of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH.
17.01.2013. 15:28
The accused Ante BAČIĆ concluded an Agreement on admission of guilt for the committed criminal offense of Impermissible Use of Copyrights under Article 243, Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code of BiH.
17.01.2013. 14:58
Prosecutor of Department III within the Prosecutor's Office of BiH issued an indictment against Esad Šesto born on January 27, 1970 in Kalinovik, residing in Sarajevo, BiH citizen.
15.01.2013. 15:16
The accused Akif Bešlija concluded an Agreement on admission of guilt for the committed criminal offense of Tax Evasion or Fraud under Article 210, Paragraph 3 in conjunction with Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code of BiH.
09.01.2013. 14:57
The accused persons: Rajko SLIJEPČEVIĆ, Branislav RADUJKOVIĆ and Biljana SLIJEPČEVIĆ, concluded Agreements on admission of guilt for the committed criminal offense of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs under Article 195 of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina.