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The Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina



27.02.2012. 15:36
The Prosecutor’s Office of BiH has filed an Indictment against five persons, charged with the Organized Crime and Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs.

Prosecutor of the Special Department for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the BiH Prosecutor’s Office has filed an Indictment against the following persons:

-      Bajro Velić, born on 10 October 1957 in Velika Kladuša, where he also resides, citizen of BiH,

-      Ivan Bogdanović, born on 28 October 1971 in Raška, Republic of Serbia, where he also resides, citizen of the Republic of Serbia,

-      Aleksandar Radojković, born on 10 October 1989 in Leskovac, Republic of Serbia, resident of Zvečani Municipality, Republic of Serbia, citizen of the Republic of Serbia,

-      Kasim Velić, born on 08 April 1968 in Velika Kladuša where he also resides, citizen of BiH, and

-      Bećir Velić aka “Bećo”, born on 27 July 1970 in Velika Kladuša, where he also resides, citizen of BiH.

The accused persons Bajro Velić, Ivan Bogdanović and Aleksandar Radojković are being held in custody in accordance with the decision of the Court, whereas Kasim Velić has been imposed prohibiting measures of a ban of leaving his place of residence, travel ban and mandatory reporting to the relevant police station, while Bećir Velić has been released to conduct his defense.

These accused persons are charged with committing the criminal offense of Organized Crime as referred to in Article 250 of the Criminal Code of BiH, in conjunction with the criminal offense of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, as referred to in Article 195 of the Criminal Code of BiH.

The Accused Bajro Velić is charged with organizing and directing the criminal organization, in the sense of Article 1, paragraphs 19 and 20 of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH CC), which was organized for the purpose of illicit international sale, transfer, transport and keeping of, and interceding and international trafficking in, marijuana- skunk narcotic drug (“Cannabis Sativa-L”), which was proclaimed a narcotic drug and which transport is forbidden pursuant to the provisions of the Law on Manufacturing and Trade in Narcotic Drugs (“Official Gazette of RBiH”, No. 2/92 and 13/94) and Article 53 of the Law on Prevention and Suppression of Abuse of Narcotic Drugs.

The Indictment alleges that Ivan Bogdanović, Aleksandar Radojković, Kasim Velić and Bećir Velić joined this criminal organization. They associated for the purpose of sale, transfer, transport and keeping of, and interceding and international trafficking in, this narcotic drug from Albania and Kosovo to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, with an aim of acquiring financial gain. In order to realize this aim, they associated with other persons from the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia, with whose assistance they organized the purchase, smuggling and hiding of the narcotic drug in BiH.  

As further alleged in the Indictment, from 30 September 2011 to 26 November 2011, on several occasions, these accused persons attempted transferring of more than 26, 6 kilos of marijuana-skunk narcotic drug to Bosnia and Herzegovina and its further smuggling, but authorized police officers of the Republic of Croatia, BiH Border Police and Una-Sana Canton Ministry of the Interior prevented them from doing so. 

The Indictment charges these accused persons with committing the criminal offense of Organized Crime as referred to in Article 250 of the BiH CC, in conjunction with the criminal offense of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic drugs as referred to in Article 195 of the BiH CC.

The Indictment has been forwarded to the Court of BiH for confirmation.

*Note on the principle of presumption of innocence

This announcement does not prejudice the outcome of the criminal proceedings and does not violate the principle of the presumption of innocence. A person shall be considered innocent of a crime until guilt has been established by a final verdict (Article 3, paragraph 1 of the CPC BiH).

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