

21.08.2013. 15:15

Adis HASANAGIĆ – born on July 25, 1979 in Sarajevo where he resides, BiH citizen – charged with the criminal offense of Impermissible Use of Copyrights under Article 243, Paragraph 1 of the CC BiH, entered into plea agreement with the Prosecutor of Department III within the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH.

Pursuant to the agreement the Prosecutor and the accused agree that the accused Adis HASANAGIĆ be rendered a conditional sentence of imprisonment in duration of two (2) years by the Court of BiH, which will not be executed providing that he does not commit another criminal offense within the period of three (3) years, as well as that items used for commission of the criminal offense be forfeited from him in line with Article 243, Paragraph 6 of the CC BiH and destroyed.

By virtue of signing the agreement the accused fully admitted committing the criminal offense he was charged with by the indictment of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH issued on June 27, 2007. 

The proposed sentence is in line with the role of the accused in commission of the criminal offense.

The indictment charges HASANAGIĆ to have during an undetermined period up to May 27, 2007 obtained a significant amount of sound and image carriers (CD, DVD, DIVIX) which he put into circulation at the market in Sarajevo contrary to legal regulations.

With this agreement the accused confirms that he is aware of the content of the plea agreement. He also confirms that the plea statement was given voluntarily, knowingly and with full understanding.

Pursuant to this agreement the accused has waived his right to a trial and appeal to the criminal sanction that shall be rendered to him by the Court of BiH.

The agreement was submitted to the Court of BiH.
