

21.05.2013. 15:15

The person accused of the Smuggling of Persons has entered into a Plea Agreement admitting guilt. The accused Vojislav Ilinčić, born on 29 April 1973 in Brčko, resident of Pelagićevo, citizen of BiH, accused of the criminal offense of Smuggling of Persons, as referred to in Article 189, Paragraph 1, of the Criminal Code of BiH, as read with Article 29 of the Criminal Code of BiH, has entered into a Plea Agreement admitting guilt.

The Prosecutor has proposed that the Court of BiH sentence the accused Vojislav Ilinčić to imprisonment in the duration of two (2) years, and at the same time determine that the sentence shall not be carried out if this accused person does not perpetrate another criminal offense over a period of five (5) years, and that a fine in the amount of six thousand KM (KM 6,000.00) be pronounced against him as an accessory punishment, which the accused Vojislav Ilinčić shall be bound to pay within six (6) months from the date when the Verdict becomes final.

By signing the Plea Agreement, the accused person has fully admitted the commission of the criminal offense he is charged with by the Indictment of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH.

He is charged with transporting foreign citizens across the state border at a location where the crossing of the border is forbidden.

The proposed sentence is consistent with the role this accused person had in the commission of the aforementioned criminal offense.   

By signing the Plea Agreement, the accused person has accepted to testify before the Court of BiH when summoned to do so by the Court of BiH.

With this Plea Agreement, the aforementioned accused person has confirmed to be familiar with the content of the Indictment of the Prosecutor’s Office of BiH dated 28 December 2012. At the same time, he has confirmed to have entered his plea of guilty voluntarily, consciously and with understanding, and to have taken upon himself an obligation to reimburse the expenses of the criminal proceedings in an amount that may be determined by the Court of BiH.

With this Plea Agreement, this accused person has waived his right to a trial and right to appeal to a criminal sanction imposed upon him by the Court of BiH.

The Plea Agreement has been forwarded to the Court of BiH.
